Gaara(我愛羅 ) is a fictional character in the naruto managa and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. Kishimoto designed Gaara as a foil to the series' titular character, Naruto Uzumaki ,
as the two were born through similar circumstances, but develop vastly
different personalities as they deal with their troubled upbringing. Initially introduced as an antagonist, Gaara is a ninja affiliated with Sunagakure ,
and is the son of Sunagakure's leader, the Fourth Kazekage. He was born
a demon's host as part of his father's intention to have a weapon to
restore their village. However, a combination of being ostracized by the
Sunagakure villagers, his early inability to control the Tailed Beast,
and the notion that his deceased mother called him her curse on the
village caused Gaara to become a ruthless killer who believes his own
purpose is to kill his enemies. It is only after meeting Naruto Uzumaki
that Gaara gains a change of perspective as he eventually becomes
Sunagakure's Fifth Kazekage and gains acceptance by his people.
Gaara has appeared in several pieces of Naruto media,
including the second featured film in the series, the third original
video animation, and several video games. Numerous anime and manga
publications have commented on Gaara's character. IGN labeled the disparity between Naruto and Gaara as "emotional" and "a tad creepy".Anime network called Naruto's fight against Gaara the high point of the entire series. Among the naruto reader base, Gaara has been popular, placing high in several popularity polls, and always making it to the top ten characters. Numerous pieces of merchandise have been released in Gaara's likeness, including plush dolls and key chains .
Gaara was once a kind child who, despite their fear of him, tried
desperately to be friendly towards others. His uncle's actions twisted
his personality. Misled into believing nobody cared for him, Gaara used
his sand to create the kanji on his forehead for "love" (愛, ai),
as a symbol of his resolution to be a "demon loving only itself", and to
live up to the name his mother gave him. Gaara became emotionally
withdrawn and strangely silent, as he was consumed with loathing towards
everyone but himself and "Mother", the voice of Shukaku in his head. He
learned to derive pleasure and a reason to live in the annihilation of
the numerous assassins sent to kill him — and by extention, anyone who
posed a threat to his existence. This was only worsened by Shukaku's
occasional demand for blood to satisfy the demon's bloodlust, resulting
in Gaara's remorseless and sociopathic nature, demonstrated when he
murdered Baju and Midare , despite their pleas for mercy. Furthermore, Gaara suffered from Insomnia
as a result of Shukaku's inhabitation of his body. The disorder forced
fear upon Gaara; if he were to fall asleep, the demon within him would
eat away at his soul. Gaara's instability and desire to kill were only
heightened as a result. Gaara's hatred for the Kazekage was justly
founded in his father's assassination attempts, but his misanthropic
nature even extended to his siblings, whom he never saw as related to
him, despite them offending him directly. He was fully willing to kill
them if he viewed that the situation called for it. In addition, due to
the protective sand activating at any time Gaara was close to injury, he
never saw his own blood until Sasuke pierced his sand shield and wounded him. Gaara had a severe mental breakdown as a result.
After his defeat at Naruto's hands, Gaara was shocked to discover that Naruto understood very well the pain he had endured throughout his life. He was even more surprised to learn that Naruto had never lost his ambition to be recognised as an individual, and had ultimately found companions who truly cared for him. Witnessing the resolution Naruto possessed to protect his friends caused Gaara to finally question the path he had determined for himself as a young child. Realising that he had given up too easily, Gaara decided to follow Naruto's chosen path instead in order to finally be seen as a human being, and not the tailed beast within him. Over the next few years, Gaara's resolve to find happiness caused him to rely on his own power rather than that of the demon. Gaara eventually formed a close friendship with Naruto, and became very loyal to his decisions, and protective over him as a companion.

Gaara cares deeply for Naruto and his well-being, and despite Sasuke's actions during his assault at the Kage Summit and his status as an international criminal, went so far as to attempt to convince Sasuke to come out of the darkness one more time on behalf of Naruto, and when unconvinced, even shed a tear for the failure Sasuke has become, and the disappointment Naruto will face. Despite respecting Naruto's goals, his care for him does not block his personal beliefs, and he believes his friend's well-being is more important, most prominent is his support to keep Naruto out of the war saying to Tsunade that Naruto takes too many risks when it comes to protecting his friends. Gaara also bluntly tells Naruto that chasing after Sasuke is foolish, as he sees him as no longer being able to return from the path of corruption. Though he defies Naruto's goal to bring Sasuke back, he only says this for Naruto's well-being because they are "friends".
Although he remained ruthless against his opponents, Gaara is extremely protective of his allies and innocent people, as seen when he protected his village from Deidara; and his siblings, Darui and even the Raikage against Sasuke. He also deeply understands those who have suffered from loneliness and hatred in the past by the look in their eyes, such as Naruto, Kimimaro, and even Sasuke.
As a Kage, Gaara believes that the ideals of previous generations, that each village must mind their own business and solve their own problems without having to ask for the aid of others in order to keep appearance and honour, is "ridiculous old-fashioned thinking", and that cooperation between the villages is fundamental in order to defeat Akatsuki .
Gaara is jinchuruki from Shukaku